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Here you will find information on services and treatments available.


Physiotherapy employs a variety of methods to alleviate a wide range of symptoms from the musculo-skeletal system.


This type of treatment is drug free and works by enhancing the body's own healing mechanism to cure itself of symptoms such as pain, limited range of movement, reduction of muscle strength and restriction of normal daily activities.


At the Gower Physiotheray Clinic, your treatment may include hands-on mobilisation techniques and soft tissue massage.


In addition, we also use electrotherapy such as ultrasound and interferential therapy where appropriate. We prescribe an exercise program to complement clinical treatment.


We have recently invested in an extracorporeal shockwave therapy machine. This is used to treat chronic conditions such as: plantafasciitis, tennis elbow, shoulder tendinopathy and soft tissue injuries.

Initial Asessments.

​An initial assessment involves a thorough examination of your problem. You will be asked about your pain, general health and relevant past medical history. After this there will be a physical examination so that we can establish the cause of your pain. Treatment follows the assessment and you will be given some home exercises to help you manage the problem yourself.

We Specilise In:
  • Sports Injuries 

  • Muscle & Joint Problems 

  • Back Pain 

  • Neck Pain 

  • Chest Physiotherapy

  • Neuro Rehabilitation

  • Myofascial Release.

  • Post-operative Care

  • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy

Follow Up Sessions.

Further treatment sessions may be necessary depending on the problem.This may be in the form of electrotherapy, manual therapy or a combination of both. A home exercise programme is an integral part of the treatment. 


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